The tourist employers´organization handed over 300kgs of plugs that will allow to allocate the benefits for this recycling to the improvement of their mobility.
Archive for category: Our news

ASOLAN has launched this year’s toy collection campaign for Christmas
ASOLAN launches its ‘VI annual Toy Collection Campaign’ for Christmas This initiative which carries the slogan “Every Toy Needs a Child” is now a firm...

Charity campaign to collect bottle tops for Gabriel
Dear Associate, We would like to inform you that ASOLAN’s Group of Sustainable Accommodations has launched a campaign to collect plastic bottle tops to help...

The Group of Sustainable Accommodations of ASOLAN looks forward to 2019 with its continued commitment to social and environmental sustainability
Not only has the work of The Sustainable Housing Group, GAS, been recognised by the Canary Islands Government who awarded the group the ‘Medal for...

Lanzarote Geopark and Chinijo Archipelago brings you to the stars
Saturday, July 7, at 9.00 pm, the north of the island will host the activity Estrellas en Familia: Los Planetas; an interpreted observation To enjoy...

The World Environment Day Drawing Competition Celebrates its Winners!
The winners of the XI Schools Drawing Competition received their prizes at a ceremony that took place last Tuesday at the CEIP Adolfo Topham school...

Canary Network of Innovation and Business Development Centers (CIDE – Red Canaria de Centros de Innovación y Desarrollo Empresarial) and Turismo Lanzarote bet on the Customer Experience to improve the competitiveness of The System of Quality on Tourist Destination SICTED companies
The arrangement of the Customer Experience is a necessity in all types of organizations. To understand, manage and conduct the user experience is an unavoidable...

ASOLAN promotes a new edition of the School Drawing Contest on the occasion of World Environment Day
The initiative seeks to contribute to the awareness of the new generations in the protection and improvement of our environment.

The ASOLAN´s Red CIDE point encourage Green Energies and Sustainability
On February 22nd, with the collaboration of SUNTELCO, was given a conference in which the novelties in photovoltaic energy for self-consumption, the electric recharging points...

ASOLAN and Responsible Tourism Instiute (RTI) present the results of the Biosphere Smart Hotel 2017 program at Espacio 48 of the CACT
Five establishments demonstrate their clear commitment to digital transformation and sustainability by participating in the Biosphere Smart Hotel Program. ASOLAN and the Responsible Tourism Instiute...