ASOLAN launches its ‘VI annual Toy Collection Campaign’ for Christmas This initiative which carries the slogan “Every Toy Needs a Child” is now a firm...
Archive for month: November 2018
23.112018November 22, 2018
Charity campaign to collect bottle tops for Gabriel
Dear Associate, We would like to inform you that ASOLAN’s Group of Sustainable Accommodations has launched a campaign to collect plastic bottle tops to help...
16.112018November 16, 2018
The Group of Sustainable Accommodations of ASOLAN looks forward to 2019 with its continued commitment to social and environmental sustainability
Not only has the work of The Sustainable Housing Group, GAS, been recognised by the Canary Islands Government who awarded the group the ‘Medal for...
12.112018November 12, 2018
The Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, and Juan Molas, President of ITH and CEHAT, sign the agreement for the ITH model of sustainability Read more
By adminIn Accommodations, Ecology, Sustainability
The signing of the agreement by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, and the president of the Hotel Technological Institute (ITH), Juan Molas...
02.112018November 2, 2018
Tourism Lanzarote presents the sustainable tourism model of the island at the German University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Following the collaboration between the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society (Turismo Lanzarote-SPEL) and the Catholic University of Eichstäat-Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany)