In the frame of the 7th Conference International of Geoparks global of it Unesco, the Geopark Lanzarote and archipelago Chinijo received the news of the award GGN Best Practice Awards, the first award of the three that each two years granted the Geoparks world of Unesco by “their initiatives and good practices in matter of Geoturism”.
Specifically, the GGN Executive Board that made the vote end of the award, starting from them nominations high by the rest of professional and scientific of them geoparks global, justified the award of the prize, between others, by these good practices e initiatives led to out fundamentally through the Centres of art, Culture and Tourism (CACT), “the volcanism and them landscapes volcanic, the conditioning of the medium, the cultural heritage, the life and activities of the inhabitants of the island and Geotourism developed in Lanzarote through a wide variety of high quality, terrestrial and underwater experiences.”