Technology and innovation for tourism to keep the focus on the customer

Technology and innovation for tourism to keep the focus on the customer

The customer has to be the focus of the business. Technology can make tourism businesses place the customer in this position and keep it there. This requires developing a strong commitment to innovation. This has been revealed on the second day of ‘Thinktur Technology Transfer: Transfer of technology in the tourism sector’, held on December 10th as part of the General Assembly of the Technology Platform for Tourism, Thinktur, commissioned by ITH (Technological Institute of Hotels).

On this day it has become clear that the tourism industry, apart from their traditional challenges, must face ones such as technology, innovation and environmental sustainability, as pointed out by Fernando Panizo, president of the Thinktur platform. For this it is necessary to start measuring, establish a criteria for the application and publish the data. “It is better to start doing it ourselves than for it to be imposed on us” he concluded.

And, as recognised by Marta Blanco, General Director of Turespaña, although tourism in Spain is now well positioned, there are elements that still need a lot of work, for example the incorporation of new information and communications technology and taking advantage of the digital economy and business intelligence, noting the advantages of getting qualitative customer information to help in decision making of enterprises and organisations.

In her opinion, “we have to think local in all aspects. We talk about digital tourists who demand exclusive and unique products. We must also stop thinking about volume, we should think about value and quality “, which is what she has recommended to achieve “an innovative and sustainable tourism, aspects that will give a more accurate picture of the competitiveness of our country “