Sustainability and customisation; differential values of the hotel of the future

Sustainability and customisation; differential values of the hotel of the future

Sustainability and personalising the customer experience are the centre of the design trends of the hotel of the future, as noted by Alfredo Villalba, CEO of Fractalia Smart Projects. Sustainability that, in his opinion, “goes beyond the echo message; Sustainability well understood is social responsibility, is commitment to the environment and is also a business and marketing strength for the chain or the establishment. ”

In this sense Villalba states that “when access to the internet via wifi is no longer something differential when booking a hotel” (‘The free wifi loses strength as a favourite guest amenity, published by HOSTELTUR tourism news ), ” other factors will be differential such as CO2 footprint, the self-regeneration of energy, hyper efficiency of consumption and smart materials. The new generations and a profile of international tourists, who more aware with respect towards the planet will focus on the efficiency of the hotel than in other aspects. ”

As for improving the experience, he adds, the establishments “reinvent doubly offering sleep systems of last-generation, high-end spas, futuristic gyms, gourmet restaurants and 3.0 bars, to try to change the classic behaviour cycle of the customer”