Sustainability is like second nature to us here at La Isla y el Mar. We love Lanzarote so much and want to keep it just the way it is.
Our commitment to the environment is evident throughout the hotel; our facilities are designed in such a way that the local climate and natural elements are harnessed to reduce our energy consumption and environmental impact. There are many ways in which we work to protect the planet on daily basis.
For example, we produce our own geothermal energy by extracting seawater from an 80- metre deep well and piping it to the rooms to run the air conditioning. Solar panels are also used to heat the boiler which in turn keeps the pool heated.
But extracting clean and renewable energy from the environment isn’t all! At La Isla y El Mar we’re also immensely proud of our organic kitchen garden which provides some of the food that accompanies dishes and drinks served in our restaurants. We put a lot of love into what we grow and comply with all organic farming regulations with our zero carbon footprint.
We mainly grow aromatic herbs like basil, rosemary, chives and parsley, but we also have fruit and vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes and Canarian green peppers. These ingredients are used to flavour and season dishes such as our oyster in frosted Mezcal ice, with lime and rosemary.
The organic kitchen garden is our commitment to consuming in a way that is more environmentally friendly, so reducing the effects of climate change.
Self supply gardens, like ours, not only provide a way of taking responsibility for the environment, but they also help to make savings, obtain healthier produce, and reduce the impact of commercial agriculture processes too.
It’s also our way of sharing our green values with our clients and of being able to serve up unbeatably fresh and flavoursome produce.