ASOLAN proposes to promote educational activities among schoolchildren to foment responsible tourism

ASOLAN proposes to promote educational activities among schoolchildren to foment responsible tourism

The Insular Association of Hotels and Apartments (ASOLAN), through the Sustainable Accommodation Group, has moved to the insular director of education, Mario Perez, the initiatives that will undertake the group to foster practices of tourism responsible between the students of the island.

As it is organizing in recent years, and coinciding with the celebration of the World Environment Day, the employer prepares the launch of the X Edition Contest of Drawings, whose concept this time is based on the celebration of “Sustainable Tourism International Year“.

So was unveiled at the meeting held with the responsible of education in Lanzarote in the dependencies of the Insular Direction.

A novelty in this edition include two new categories, awarding projects and sustainable practices carried out by the Schools during the 2016-17 course and the participation of the educational centers in the drawing contest.