San Bartolomé starts an environmental awareness campaign and places cages for the collection of commercial cardboard.

San Bartolomé starts an environmental awareness campaign and places cages for the collection of commercial cardboard.

The Town Council of San Bartolomé is carrying out an information and awareness campaign directed to all the businesses of the municipality to report on the ordinance of use and management of selective waste.

The Town Council of San Bartolomé has placed cages for cardboard collection at different points of Playa Honda in order to be able to collect the cardboard that small retailers, with a place destined exclusively to deposit it in concrete points, in order to avoid the use of household carton recycling containers by companies, or stacking cartons next to the container areas, as we had noted was happening.

For those companies interested, there is available the phone number 928 81 94 73 to resolve any question related with waste management or environmental queries.